DPMichael ThomasShort

Fall of the House of Usher: Prologue

DPMichael ThomasShort
Fall of the House of Usher: Prologue

Fall of the House of Usher (2021) - Prologue

dir. James Darrah

dp. Michael Elias Thomas

prod. Boston Lyric Opera

“[An] arresting stop-motion film.” – The New Yorker 

“…[BLO’s] most ambitious and spectacular project of the season” – The Boston Globe

“The striking visual components embrace the opera’s ambiguity and nightmarish ambiance.” – The Wall Street Journal

“Amazing hand-drawn and stop-motion footage.”​ – Cinema Junkie/KPBS 

“The crushing forces of the pandemic, shaped by the news media, sculpt this film into something like a diamond. Beautiful, though with cutting edges.” – WBUR/The Artery